Sweet Freedom Farms, LLC
Edible Landscapes and Organic Fruit Tree Farming
Located in Georgetown, FL (North of Deland, West of Palm Coast, Daytona)
Organic Blackberries
for Sale
Common blackberry is a shrub-like wildflower, measuring 3-10' (1.2-3.3 m) in height. It is most easily identified by its juicy, black, clustered berries and pinnately-compound leaves. The juicy, berry-like fruit is dark purple to black and is arranged in a coned-shape. Blackberry is in the genus Rubus in the family Rosaceae (Rose).
After planting a blackberry bush in it's first year, a new stem, the primocane, grows vigorously to its full length of 3–6 m (9.8–19.7 ft) (in some cases, up to 9 m [30 ft]), arching or trailing along the ground and bearing large palmately compound leaves with five or seven leaflets; it does not produce any flowers. In its second year, the cane becomes a floricane and the stem does not grow longer, but the lateral buds break to produce flowering laterals (which have smaller leaves with three or five leaflets).

Apache Blackberry - Thornless
The Apache blackberry plant produces some of the highest yields and largest fruit of all the thorn-less blackberry cultivars. It is the largest thorn-less, upright berry available. Sweet, cone shaped berry. Ripens late season. Excellent quality. Cold hardy and high yielding. Zone 6-9. Soil PH 6.5. Resists orange rust. Fruits are sweet when ripe. Very productive. Tip new canes at 42" during growing season.

Rubus Von Blackberry
Von has exceptional qualities such as very high yields of fruit. The fruiting season is mid to late season. Von has large uniform fruit and great sweet fruit quality that is sweet and a favorite to many. One of the favorite qualities of Von is its small seed size. Von produces high yields of berries for a duration of six weeks. The fruit is consistent from year to year. The average fruit yields per plant were around 26 pounds once the vine reached full maturity. Von is cold hardy down to -12 degrees. Zones: 5-10.

Rubus Natchez PPAF Blackberry
Huge berries – Thornless Blackberry 'Natchez' produces an impressive large fruit. Natchez is an excellent thorn-less blackberry which crops early in the season, and has the characteristic semi-upright, spine-free growing habit. The yield of fruit is twice that of its sister variety Arapaho, and it produces a consistent large berry. This delicious berry is one of the first producers of the season. 'Natchez' shows resistance to the fungal disease double blossom/rosette which hurt production in the South. 4-10' Zone Range: 4 - 9

Rubus Boysenberry - Blackberry
The boysenberry is a cross between the European raspberry, European blackberry, American dewberry, and loganberry. Outstanding flavor. Many consider this to be the best tasting berry of all. Not dry like a raspberry, seedy like a blackberry, sour like a gooseberry, or pithy like store bought strawberries, very showy and large 1 inch berries.
Plants should be spaced 5 to 6 feet apart; if planting in rows, space the rows 5 to 8 feet apart. If necessary, amend the soil before planting so it is rich, well-drained, and slightly acidic. Blackberries should be planted relatively shallow—about 1 inch deeper than they were growing in the nursery pot.